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2017, 2018, 2019

Capstone Class was a long journey. I started off lost for direction and uncertain. As I completed my first project and worked on getting comfortable with planning out my own projects I saw myself grow as a designer. With such a small class I felt comfortable voicing my thoughts and sharing my ideas with the class. Creating a proposal helped me advocate for my ideas and truly believe that they were good. Capstone class helped me guide myself without being given specific instructions.

Chapman_Project1-01 (1)

This GIF is one of my best designs because it shows that I am able to persevere through designs that take a lot of work. I worked on this project for two months and created over 100 frames and did not give up or modify the project so I could make it easier.

Fish 1

This was my second Capstone Class project, and this fish design took me the longest of all of my projects by itself. I had to do a lot of troubleshooting since it was supposed to be a laser cut, but I decided in the end that it looked better on the computer.


These Seashells were part of my second project.


This second fish was part of my second project.


This poster was created as my community project. I designed a series of three posters of influential women for Black History Month to be displayed around the school. This one was created for Angela Davis.


This is the second poster in the series that represents Josephine Baker.


This is the third poster in the series that represents Diane Nash.


This was my first Capstone Class project.


This was my third project which shows a tsunami.

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